
Residential and Commercial Painting Services

Interior Painting

Bring the right touch that your home is needing. The interior painting is the most important design touch in a home. Our professional crew is ready to bring your vision into life!

Exterior Painting

The exterior painting is the first impression that people ussually takes from a resident or commercial property. We can help you to renew the exterior painting of your property and get the new look that you are dreaming for. We offer a personal color consultation for any property, call us now and ask for this service.

Cabinet Painting

Cabinets are the most important focal point in a kitchen and in the house, also  cabinets in the living room or bathroon are important in a house. We know that replacing the old cabinets for new ones could be very difficult most of because of the money, but with the right professionals you can renew your cabinets only with paint and it will be way cheaper. Call us now and ask for a free estimate.

Residential Painting

When you add your own style to a home is when you are converting a house in a home for you and your love ones. We know how important is that, our professionals  can make that happen and do it in affordable prices. 

Commercial Painting

We can help with interior and exterior commercial painting, from large offices to small ones. Our professional crew is ready to renovate the space that you need to refresh for you clients and for you! Call us now.

Specialty Finishes

Enrique's Paint Company can help you to change the space that you want and need to change in your home or business. Making your idea comes true and have it the brand new look that you are wainting for! Other knowing painting companies are charging you way to high prices because of the known brand, but with us you are having the same exact material, quality and professionalism. Call us now!

Epoxy Floors - Decorating Floors

We are offering epoxy floors, kwortz floors, endura resin chip system floors, and metallic epoxy floors. Let us know if you have any questions. You can contact us any day Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p,m, Here are some samples of the floors that we offer:

All of our pictures are from our real jobs. You can check more pictures and real time of our work on our Instagram Page.